Simulate Overflow detection Using Verilog

Simulate Overflow detection Using Verilog

Overflow Occurs with respect to addition when 2 N-bit 2’s Compliment Numbers are added and the answer is too large to fit into that N-bit Group.A computer has N-Bit Fixed registers. Addition of two N-Bit Number will result in max N+1 Bit number. That Extra Bit is stored in carry Flag. But Carry does not always indicate overflow.


This File Should be placed in overflowdetection.v 

module overflowdetection(x,y,cin,sum,cout,flow);

input x;

input y;

input cin;

output sum;

output cout;

output flow;

assign sum=((x^y)^cin);

assign cout=(((x^y)&cin)^(x&y)); assign flow= (cin^cout); 


Test Bench:

This File Should be placed in overflowdetection_tb.v 

`timescale 1ns/1ns

module overflowdetection_tb;

reg x;

reg y;

reg cin;

wire sum;

wire cout;

wire flow;

overflowdetection uut(x,y,cin,sum,cout,flow);

initial begin



x=0; y=0; cin=0;

#5 x=0; y=0; cin=1;

#5 x=0; y=1; cin=0;

#5 x=0; y=1; cin=1;

#5 x=1; y=0; cin=0;

#5 x=1; y=0; cin=1;

#5 x=1; y=1; cin=0;

#5 x=1; y=1; cin=1;


initial begin:

$monitor("t=%3d,\t x=%d,\t y=%d,\t sum=%d,\t

cout=%d,\t flow=%d\n",x,y,cin,sum,cout,flow);




If you have problem on installing verilog on windows or linux then click here