Beginner's Cheatsheet for Windows User

Here is a brief Windows cheat sheet that covers some commonly used commands and concepts:


  • cd: Change directory
  • dir: List contents of current directory
  • md: Make a new directory
  • rd: Remove a directory
  • del: Delete a file
  • copy: Copy a file
  • xcopy: Copy files and directories, with more options

File Operations

  • type: Display contents of a file
  • more: Display contents of a file one page at a time
  • find: Search for a pattern in a file or output
  • attrib: Display or modify file attributes
  • icacls: Display or modify file permissions

System Information

  • systeminfo: Display system information
  • tasklist: Display a list of running processes
  • taskkill: End a running process
  • netstat: Display active network connections
  • ipconfig: Display network interface information


  • ping: Test network connectivity to a host
  • tracert: Show the network path to a host
  • netsh: Display or modify network settings

Users and Groups

  • net user: Add, modify, or remove a user
  • net localgroup: Add, modify, or remove a group
  • net use: Connect or disconnect a network drive
  • runas: Run a command as a different user


  • help: Display help information for a command
  • cmdkey: Manage stored credentials
  • schtasks: Schedule a task to run at a specific time
  • reg: Display or modify the Windows registry
  • msconfig: Manage system startup options

This cheat sheet only scratches the surface of what's possible with Windows, but it should give you a good starting point for working with the command line.