Beginner's CheatSheet of SSLScan.

 SSLScan is a command-line tool used to test SSL/TLS connections and identify weak cipher suites, SSL versions, and security vulnerabilities. Here is a cheatsheet for SSLScan with some of the most commonly used options and commands:

Basic Usage:

sslscan <hostname>:<Port>


--no-colour                  Disable color output
--no-failed                  Do not print failed cipher suites
--no-ciphersuites            Do not print cipher suites
--show-certificate           Show certificate details
--show-fingerprint           Show certificate fingerprints
--starttls=<protocol>       Start TLS with specified protocol
--ssl3                       Only test SSLv3
--tls1                       Only test TLSv1.0
--tls1_1                     Only test TLSv1.1
--tls1_2                     Only test TLSv1.2
--tls1_3                     Only test TLSv1.3
--protocols=<protocol list>  Test only specified protocols
--cipher=<cipher suite>      Test only specified cipher suite
--xml=<file>                 Save output in XML format
--timeout=<milliseconds>    Set connection timeout


sslscan --show-certificate
sslscan --protocols=sslv3,tls1,tls1_1,tls1_2,tls1_3
sslscan --starttls=smtp
sslscan --cipher=TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA
sslscan --xml=output.xml 


The output of SSLScan provides information about the SSL/TLS connection and the supported cipher suites. The output will be displayed in the following format:

Accepted TLS connection versions:<List of Supported TLS Versions>

Accepted cipher suites:
   <Cipher Suite 1>
   <Cipher Suite 2>


If the --show-certificate option is specified, additional certificate information will be displayed.

If the --show-fingerprint option is specified, SHA1, SHA256, and MD5 fingerprints of the server's SSL certificate will be displayed.

If the --xml option is specified, the output will be saved in an XML format for further analysis.